Another market place. Whats different about CasMarket?
CasMarket is federated with other FOSS flohmarkts. It is not owned by a company which might sell your data.
Do I need an account on CasMarket to contact a seller?
If you have already an account in the fediverse: No, just use your URL handle to reply to an item. Otherwise you can always register an account on the flohmarkt of your choice.
Is payment secure over CasMarket?
Currently, there is no 3rd-party payment system involved. We let you decide how to organize payment and shipping / transport.
Is my data safe on CasMarket?
CasMarket is part of a community driven network, which has zero endeavour to sell you out. Data privacy is one of the main goals of this project.
Fine. But CasMarket looks smol. Is this really worth it?
Well, "Do good and talk about it.". You're always free to crosspost your items on similar platform to benefit your range.
XYZ is not working properly. Where can I report the bug?
Sorry to hear that. Complex software is never 100% bugfree. Please do us a favor and either tell directly in the issues or tell a friend who can help you out. Thanks!